Friday 20 November 2009

Book 2, chapter 5, paragraph 11

[De la richesse commerciale, Sismondi, 1803, Original, 42-43]

   Il y a donc une limite au delà de la quelle le consommateur ne réduit point sa consommation, tandis que le capitaliste peut réduire sa production d’une manière illimitée; le second est maître de ses forces, le premier ne l’est pas; c’est donc ce premier qui doit supporter tout le désavantage d’une nouvelle lutte.


   Thus, there is a limit beyond which the consumer does not reduce his consumption, while the capitalist can reduce his production in a limitless way; the latter can control his powers at will, whereas the former cannot. Therefore, it is the former that should sustain all the disadvantage of a new process of haggling.